At the beginning of 2018, I wrote an article outlining a New Year’s resolution that I thought could help boost cryptocurrency adoption and awareness in 2018. Last week was the second installment of my year of cryptocurrency. This week’s challenge was particularly easy to accomplish because I was at the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami. Let’s dive in. TRY TO SPEAK TO AS MANY PEOPLE ABOUT CRYPTOCURRENCY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN...
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New York passed the BitLicense in a vacuum. Now state and federal laws are catching up, often with poor coordination, causing a compliance nightmare.
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After a somewhat exciting day across all cryptocurrency markets yesterday, things are back to normal. We’ve seen small to big retracements for all major cryptocurrencies, with one notable exception. The EOS price is the only currency in the top 10 which is still in the green as of right now. Thanks to a small 1.48% gain during the past 24 hours, the EOS price is still well above US$14 for the time being. EOS Price...
Decentralized public blockchains are the only way enterprises will commit to digitizing services in an interoperable manner, says EY's Paul Brody.
While the heat builds up on local cryptocurrency trading, and the South Korean government approaches a decision on whether or not to ban it, the Financial Consumer Agency (FCA) has said it would be illegal for the country to halt trades of the digital coins. “The government has yet to establish the legal grounds over related laws for consumer protection, in particular in the cryptocurrency market. Who is to blame...
A recent report indicates that less than one percent of all Bitcoin transactions involve money laundering. #NEWS
Bitcoin exchanges are under fire in India, as many of the nations top banks have suspended or greatly curtailed functionality on exchange accounts. #NEWS
Everyone has had a genius business idea at some point or another. Most ideas come from looking around and identifying ways life could be made better. That’s the ground-level of creating a successful enterprise. However, as good as an idea may be, there is a lot that needs to be done before it can become a reality. Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Article Several technical and time-consuming steps need to...
Drone technology has always been intriguing to industry experts and enthusiasts alike. In fact, it seems the idea of using drones in the real world may finally become a lot more appealing in the near future. Over in Australia, two lifeguards have successfully used a drone to rescue two swimmers. It is widely considered to be the world’s first success for this specific technology. It is good to see drones...
How many websites have you visited today? How many messages have you sent? Are you streaming a video or some music right now? Chances are you use a lot of data without even realizing it. The thing about using data is that you’re creating data too. When you visit a website, you submit to other users of the internet data about your browsing habits. When you send a message on...